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So like...................when i tried extracting stuff i kinda got a warning saying i cant interact with it since uhhh it may be ransomware or a virus, but last time i had it, it was fine?

yeah mine was fine too now it says its a trojan


So this doesn't work sometimes. Trying to extract videos seems to very reliably crash it. Will this get updated?

Thank you for pointing out that it needed an update!  rpaExtract should now work with new RPA files too.


it doesn't work on some games

Thank you for pointing out that it needed an update!  rpaExtract should now work with new RPA files too.


Thank you!


this need an update man
it doesn't work anymore

Thank you for pointing out that it needed an update!  rpaExtract should now work with new RPA files too.

is this for .rpyc files to,if not wat i need to use or how to get patch into game?


This is for older RPA files. It doesn't work for the newer ones.

Thank you for pointing out that it needed an update!  rpaExtract should now work with new RPA files too.


There is a commandline tool that works with the current version:


I have 0 idea how to use this

use the githubs readme. basically you will be install python 3, run pip on unrpa then run rpa command in command line 

I have zero experience with programing or programing language, but after struggling for a while I eventually had it figured out, thank you ^^

Just wish it was usable... I can't even manage to install it.

Thank you for pointing out that it needed an update!  rpaExtract should now work with new RPA files too.

Thank you for pointing out that it needed an update!  rpaExtract should now work with new RPA files too.


This needs an update, I'm coming across more and more games where I drag the images.rpa over the rpa extractor and it does nothing.

Thank you for pointing out that it needed an update!  rpaExtract should now work with new RPA files too.

is there anyway to "re-package" the files back to how they were? I have customized some sprites and don't know how to put them back into the actual game 

(1 edit) (+7)

Does not work on some games

Thank you for pointing out that it needed an update!  rpaExtract should now work with new RPA files too.


It works very well for me, the only down side is the fact that my antivirus doesn't really like it.


Doesn't work for RenPy 8/Python 3. Any plans to update this or is this abandoned?

It seems to use 'unrpa' or similar code from github which should get updated sooner or later. Now it depends on the app creator here to update his code accordingly.

Thank you for pointing out that it needed an update!  rpaExtract should now work with new RPA files too.


What does this mean?

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 359, in <module>
  File "", line 64, in __init__
  File "", line 223, in load
  File "", line 104, in extract_indexes
  File "", line 38, in _unpickle
  File "", line 1388, in loads
  File "", line 864, in load
  File "", line 892, in load_proto
ValueError: unsupported pickle protocol: 5
[27864] Failed to execute script rpaextract

Seems the latest renpy games does the " pickle protocol" error with all extractors.

Yeah, that's Renpy 8.0. More and more creators will move to that version soon.

Thank you for pointing out that it needed an update!  rpaExtract should now work with new RPA files too.


Is there a version for android phones and is it possible after extracting to undo the extract? (basically zipping it again to what it was originally before extracting.) Because there are a few games that I just want to edit the text files (what a character says) to fix spelling errors and grammar mistakes that will not be corrected because the project was dropped. 


there's a chance to have a linux version?

I encountered an Error that I couldnt extract the other asset. Can you help me?

Thank you for pointing out that it needed an update!  rpaExtract should now work with new RPA files too.

What about for mobile? Is it possible?

Does not work when the file path contains Cyrillic characters

True, the new version might work with non-ASCII paths though.


Hmm, when i use it on one file, it extracts everything, but the files come out corrupted. any fixes?

Never had that before. Which game?

(1 edit)

По поводу детекта Virustotal, все крупные и доверенные  ничего не нашли, остальные возбудились кривые и малознакомые. В Virscan только один детект


renpy sucks

but i'm still downloading it



23/66 detections in supports viruses?


2 years ago it was only 10. then 9. see this thread:

The method I used to create this exe is known for causing false positives: I guess a lot of virus script kiddies also use it and antivirus isn't smart enough to tell the difference between the actual code being run.

So BitDefender, McAffee, Ad-Aware flag rpaex.exe :| damn. I don't know if I would run this if someone else was to give this exe to me now. At least Kaspersky, Microsoft, Malwarebytes, Avast and Symantec don't worry.


Worked super well! also commenting to remind myself to send a few bucks when i get paid lol

Do you know how to change game screen resolution with existing scripts to improve performance?

I have tried several basic ways to improve performance, such as setting realtime CPU priority, changing graphics preference to high performance (NVIDIA). However, I think the results are not much different.

In Ren'Py games?

Yup. It's Ren'Py games.

I mean like changing an existing Python script for game resolution.

You can download UnRen.bat. Its a free tool that will unarchive all renpy files, images, and everything in a renpy game so you can alter any settings. Youll just have to find which file they put those commands in.It can vary. Use Notepad++ to quickly edit the RPY files and resave them. 


Well~. It's complicated.

Using PyCharm. Just need to find the corresponding lines of code.

Gonna try.

No Prob. If you tell me the game and what you want I might be able to do it for you and send it back to you. 


author just packed rpatool 0.8 to exe with pyinstaller and I can't find any links to source - that's not good. use original tool instead of this -


You need to read this

you have- you have read my mind 

i wanna get the ddlc sprites im- even the thumbnail is ddlc

I tried it on the archive.rpa of that game:

I used the console because just dragging wouldn't work and I got:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 359, in <module>
File "", line 64, in __init__
File "", line 223, in load
File "", line 103, in extract_indexes
File "encodings\", line 43, in zlib_decode zlib.error: Error -3 while decompressing data: incorrect header check [8376] Failed to execute script rpaextract

Any idea what could be causing this error ?

(1 edit)

First up, try this from another reply of mine:

Put all into C:\test\

or D:\test\, as long as you ensure there are no non-ASCII characters in the path (and no whitespace) and that the path is very short.

(1 edit)

It was already in C: \test\
I also tried running as admin, with no luck

I just tried in a quite vanilla -but updated - Win10 VM and it worked.

1. Re-download the game, the rpa file might be corrupted

2. Triple-check you drag/give-as-parameter the archive.rpa file and not some other file

3. Ensure the game is off (the file is not blocked?) while you extract

4. Restart windows (yes I know it's 2021 but still), allow all pending updates to finish. Perhaps even run updates to fix things broken by previous updates (Just a month ago I had to help fix a computer that just decided onboard audio doesn't work and windows update "fixed" it)

5. Use the macOS/Linux method (see description)

6. Oh boy. I can only think of tiny RAM, defective RAM, defective HDD/SSD, defective other hardware or simply an environment that is somehow weirding the script out, which obviously is using zlib. Perhaps you are a dev/packager and somehow added a "bad" (read this scrip can't handle it) version of zlib to path?

Dragonunpacker also works when used on an .rpa file, hopefully for you as well:

Works and quick.

Can’t get it to work.

Tried it in the main folder and in a C:Test folder. Both give the same result. Program opens for a split seccond before closing again.

what do you drag onto it?

Just rpa files from a visual novel. It's strange. Some games do work on it and some games don't.

Put all into C:\test\

long file paths

non-ASCII characters

I'm guessing those two might be the cause

No idea what the problem was exactly,
But got the files to export using unrpa and then forcing it to extract using a certain version. Thanks for trying to help!

Open the folder that contains the rpa file and you game file with the rpa images files on the same screen. Drag the RPA file and open the images file with the rpa file together and it should start extracting into a game images folder. Its done when the rpa program closes

I cant seem to get it to work? it starts processing then gives up a few seconds later i put it in the right folder to

make the folder C:\test\, put both files into it. Try then

It keeps removing itself. What the heck?


most likely your antivirus

is that why it keeps deleting itself? :( 

most likely.

If you have the user rights and want to invest time into fixing it: google some of these:

[your antivirus name] whitelist exe

[your antivirus name] recover from quarantine

[your antivirus name] undelete exe

thank you so much :)

It's not working for me. Keeps closing itself then deleting itself. Help?

Thanks you a lot. It's super handy !

How did you get it working? Not working for me :(

Spot a .rpa file, slide it on the rpaextract.exe icon, done.

To anyone who can't get this working, place the rpaExtract.exe somewhere away from the Desktop, then right click>add to>Desktop Shortcut

Worked for me /:


You know what I'm modding, Don't you?


I do now

There he is, the man himself.

I never actually knew you made this, and i never knew you even played DDLC.

that was my first reaction when i saw the video thumbnail askldghf

Deleted 3 years ago

please try and let us know!


Doesn't work in Windows 7. And i don't know what is C:/test/ because i'm new in this


For those wondering how to use it in Linux. It's basically the same as MacOS, see the video above.

if you receive this error however:

/usr/bin/env: ‘python’: No such file or directory     run:
sudo apt install python3

or if you have already installed it, link python by running:
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python

Credits to Francisco Mantovani (3rd answer) :
and also huge thanks to the creator of this tool! :DDD

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